nothing new, isn't only my work but what we've study on sylph. copy/paste from BG:
The setup was:
Make sure all the blms have thundaja and thunder5, also the corsair must have WF (only need 2 cor though compared to 4-6 CORs of the other strats) and WF for RNG isnt mandatory, RNG is there mainly for procs. Key members for this strat are WAR DRK RNG NIN (the proccers), they must have all weapons, temp items and most importantly, know how to play-
1. You have the WHMs drop pt and BRD does troubadour Scherzo in both BLM parties. 2. one COR will do tactician's roll in proccers' PT and warlock ROLL in one BLM pt, the other COR will do warlock/wizard. 3. set 2 BLMs to stun chainspell animation (@ 80% they gotta stop casting spells and focus on that) and other 2 BLMs to stun 1st WS after chainspell's over. 4. Have one of the proccers pop it, use fanatic's while everyonelse uses their temp items + Parsimony + Elemental seal, make sure fanatic's is the LAST temp item everyonelse uses. 5. Make sure everyone is spread around in circle around the rift, and not packed togheter. 6. Nuke it like crazy + COR spam WF, proc PT must focus on procs only, assign one BLM to BLM procs, and skip BLM1 procs. 7. Once it chainspells, 2 BLMs should stun by animation with a /p macro giving notice, everyone applies fool's drinks and keeps nuking. 8. By the time fool's wears (that should be around 2:30 into the fight, 30 while u pop temp items + 1min fanatic + 1min fools) you should get one HQ proc, having all temp items recharged. 9. Finish it and enjoy your Jacaranda logs-
Pros: BLM have high survaivability compared to WARs thx to Manawall, stun and the fact that with 8 BLMs nuking the mob it will roam around. Fight shouldnt last over 3-4 mins MAX, BLM deals a lot of DMG to it and technically u can even hold the mob by just stunning and kiting around waiting for an HQ proc to land. Cons: You need highly skilled proccers with most weapons (i.e. RNG with axe dagger, WAR with polearm scythe etc) and once u found out which proc it is make sure DDs communicate and split the WSs like (war does low scythe's WS and DRK does high ones)
So yeah compared to other strats I found this one easier to realize especially b/c it's easier to find decent BLMs compared to decent WF corsairs.
Here's a parser with the sum up of the dmg, we were able to consistently kill this x12 > x8, won all of em except 1 aborted and 1 semi-wipe due to the lack of procs.
Edit: also you can take off 2-3 blm and replace'em with another brd and war plus a blue
Cla replied
678 weeks ago