Cla replied

678 weeks ago

There is one mainly strategy to set a right ally that can cover alost all procs and kill almost all high tier VWNM with some exception such as Botulus Rex.


1st pty or back line jobs: RDM/SCH - BLM - BLM -SMN; you can fill up the last 2 spot with pld,rng, whm in that order of priority.

2 nd pty or dualwielder: MNKs - NIN - BLUs - BRD - WHM ( in this BRD should use march x 2 on DDs )

3 rd pty or 2hand wielder : WARs - SAM - DRK - DRG - WHM - COR ( in this COR should use Tactician's Roll ONLY to give TP before start fighting, in fight is better Miser's Roll and Chaos Roll)

ofc it's more then a good help use food and buffs such as str boost on fornt line jobs and int boost on back line jobs

all DD and mages should split own proc to be faster; ofc isn't mandatory proc NQ but EQ and HQ will help a lot to kill faster w/o any issue aside lgith quality.
war GA AXE then help with sword gs staff club pole
mnk H2H club staff
sam GK then help with pole
BLMs must split spell in this order : 1st blm AM AMII; BLM 2nd aga1-3 ajas T5; rdm T1-T4 ele dots helix.
Both blue should set own spells and split them

the most important work come from back line jobs as usual, if you got good blm-rdm-blu they can hold all VWNM staggered while DD is zerging it down.

Low tier like Cityes and T4 jeuno can be done with low man from 7 up to 10 well geared and good players

to know:
- pld isnt needed if the fight have not adds so it's better have it on QIlin, Uptala, Aello. ofc it helping alot on low tier in low man at the begining, to give time to the others using Temp items and calling out proc in the meanwhile.
-it's better have 2 mnk and 2 war to deal a good dmg on NM, ofc should be really well geared otherwise you should replace 1 mnk and 1 war with any other relic/emp/mytich dd
- whm must stay in both dd pty and it isn't needed in back line job one
-personally i suggest you all to make a 2nd palette macro over or under you actually in use palette with all temps item; this will make faster to use temp item, I.E. /item "fanatic's drink" me

last edited 678 weeks ago by Cla
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